Selenium Test on BrowserStack

In previous post we have seen how to run selenium test on Testing cloud. 
In this post we will see another cloud service called BrowserStack, using this we can write simple selenium webdriver scripts and can run on BrowserStack.

 Note : We will run anuko timesheet login on BrowserSTack for winxp OS and browser IE 7.

Need to know about Desired Capabilities :  It is used to configure the driver instance of Selenium WebDriver. We can configure all driver instance like FirefoxDriver, ChromeDriver, InternetExplorerDriver using desired capabilities.

Step 1 : Register with BrowserStack for 100 mins free trail : 

Step 2 : Once done login to BrowserStack with your id :
Step 3: After login go to accounts-> Setting  section and get the client key 
Step 4 : Open eclipse and create a project called "CloudTest" and create a package com.test

 Step 5 : Create a testNG class file or simple class as "RunOnBrowserStack" under com.test package. 

Step 6 : Right click the program and run as Java Application

Step 7 : Login to Browser stack and go under Automate tab should be able to see the dashboard like this